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Some people believe that the fun and the spark dies when you get married. That is a myth…and we can prove it with our HOT WIFE DIARIES. We share REAL stories of REAL hot wives.  Female LED relationships and sex stories about HOT WIFFING is what we want to unveil and share.  In this section, you will discover the real definition of a HOT WIFE.

The Hotwife Diaries. Real Bedroom Stories.
By Vanessa Campbell @habitbosslady

Real wives wrote the stories I am about to share, the kind of wives who put their pineapples upside down in the grocery shopping cart.

What I am about to tell you changed my life forever. The truth is, since I was in my early 20s, I was big on flirting. And even though I wasn’t married, a couple’s life felt like the biggest buzzkill… “Congratulations, you’ve found the last sexual organ you will fuck forever!” I mean, quite funny to ask, but what if I find a better sexual organ in the future? The whole happily ever after didn’t feel quite like it at all. Then, in my 30s, I met THE Guy. LOL. Fell so hard for this man. I truly believed that giving up all the other dicks was completely worth it for the first time. So, I decided to settle down. And just like that…I’ve found the last sexual organ I will forever fuck… Right!… Right? But, what if married life isn’t the end of the fun road of flirting with others for me? What if my spouse and I have a way to come to a love-based, stigma-free, and SAFE agreement? Would it be possible to have it all and still live a healthy, happy married life?

Moushumi Ghose, MFT, a licensed sex therapist, explains that a ‘Hotwife’ is a term to refer to a wife of someone who is “allowed” to have intimate relationships with others. Wait, what? Read that again. Is that a real thing? I was so intrigued and wanted to expand my knowledge. So, I did what I do best and started my own research. I asked some friends and married couples. I also did some online research. That’s how I found blogs like

It was seriously mind-blowing. I came back to my partner with all the information, and eventually, we agreed on our “rules.” It turns out I opened the pandora box that would lead me to rule my own sexual parallel universe. We started experimenting, then my confidence skyrocketed, and now my life will never be the same.

If you, or anyone you know, has a bedroom story you want me to share in HABIT MAGAZINE, please send me an email at

Story #1 💋💕 Mz. Brooklyn  💕💋

My palms were sweaty, and my heart was racing…and no, this wasn’t the beginning of an Eminem song. This was the beginning of an adventure that shaped the rest of my life.

We hadn’t seen each other for a year or more, so my friend came over to visit. Hubby and I made dinner, and we all hung out catching up on what had happened during our time apart.

As we laughed and drank, our stories always seem to end up focused on sex. Nothing new in our way of life. As swingers, sex is discussed on a daily, if not hourly, basis. From outfits and parties to people and positions…nothing is ever off limits to discuss. But tonight would be different. While my husband and I had been involved in threesomes in the past, it was different to initiate the “unicorn scenario” with a friend that wasn’t in the lifestyle. We never really approached or asked, as that can be a turning point in a friendship, and it isn’t always the way you want it to go.

After many hours of drinking and flirting, my friend decided she had consumed too many drinks to drive. My husband was gracious enough to sleep on the couch while we took the bedroom. After a fitful night of sleep and many, many erotic dreams, the sun was up. I laid there quietly hoping not to wake my friend but getting more and more aroused. It was like a secret waiting to burst out!

She started to fidget and wake up. I rolled over to face her and said good morning. Next thing I knew, her hands were between my legs. Wow! I guess I didn’t have to wonder any more how she felt about the idea! We started nuzzling each other and caressing our soft, naked skin under the sheets. After a few more minutes of touching and kissing, the bedroom door opened. What perfect timing! Hubby appeared and started rubbing our legs and gently touching our backs. As I thought about each movement and touch, the excitement became almost uncontrollable!

Finally, she reached up and brought Hubby down into bed with us. Oh yes, this was going to happen! He began kissing her and touching her, rubbing her clit and licking her moistness off of his fingers. Just seeing her turn him on almost made me cum! Now never one to be left out, I too, wanted to see what she tasted like, so I slowly edged my way down the bed. I rolled her onto her back and slid my tongue up her leg. Once I hit her pleasure point, I latched on. I began teasing and tasting her in every crevice my tongue could find. Because we were friends, I know she liked it rough and hard, so I start grinding my face into her pussy. She began moaning and bucking against my face. I slid my fingers into her wetness and worked her from the inside just as rough. She is squirming and wiggling so much I have a hard time keeping a rhythm. Finally, she burst into orgasm in my mouth, as I continued to finger and suck on her juices. She pushed me away asking me to let her catch her breath, so I roll onto my back and rested myself. I’m licked her juices from my fingers and glided my free hand across my own clit. My husband saw me and started to go down on me, when my friend pushed him away. She slid me up the bed so that I was almost sitting against the headboard. She buried her face between my legs and started going after my clit. Oh my god…I knew she was bisexual and had girlfriends in the past, but the way she ate my pussy made me almost die! She ran her tongue across my asshole, slid a finger in my pussy, and nibbled on my clit in a way that made it feel like there were three people pleasuring me at once! As she pushed me closer to my limits, Hubby asked her if he could join by pleasing her. She lifted her face long enough to yell “Please!”. He slid on a condom and buried his face in her ass. While she lifted her ass higher in the air, he licked up the remainder of the juices from our earlier pleasure session. He then asked her if he could enter her, and she responded yes. And with that, our friend became our threesome partner. Hubby pumped in and out of her at a pace I’ve not seen in a while. I know he has always wanted her sexually and it showed in the thrusts he was giving her. Every time he pounded into her; her face slid harder onto my clit. At this rate, I was not going to last much longer!

At this point, we are all bucking and moaning so loudly that I’m surprised we didn’t break the bed. Hubby slammed into her until she finally threw her head back and came so loudly that I’m sure the neighbors down the street heard her. Watching her cum and watching him ramming her pushed me over the edge and I came hard. I grabbed my tit and rubbed my clit so hard that I was sure it was going to bleed. Seeing both of us girls enjoying ourselves, caused Hubby to crest and he came hard, too. He kept pumping his way through it to prolong her pleasure wave…as I still felt the throbbing as my fingers were sliding in and out of my pussy and asshole. I continued pinching my tit and bucking against my own hand until I dissolved in a hot heap of sweatiness.

There is nothing more exciting and erotic than seeing your partner in the middle of pleasure. Whether you are giving it or put the plan in motion for them to receive it. Knowing you can make a partner happy is the ultimate turn on.

Have you had any similar experiences with a “friend” that turned out to be a pleasure-fest? Write to me and tell me all about it… If you have questions about what it is like to be a swinger, or to have a threesome but not be a swinger, send them my way. Hell, if you have questions about anything, just like my pussy, I’m open!

Tell me all about it,

  • Brooklyn

Story#2    Did He Really Just Ask Me That?

I remember the day, the weather, where I was…all of it, clear as if he just asked me at this moment. It was a beautiful sunny March afternoon. Late March, so just starting to have those warm days again, just not too warm.

My husband let me know he had something important to talk to me about. Ok. Although it sounded like a big deal, I tried to act like it was nothing. Then I changed rooms and made sure I had privacy. Not expecting what came next, I prepared myself for something like a break-up, or, basically anything else. This was so far off in left field for me, I couldn’t put together the correct feelings or really a full sentence.

My husband asked me to be a Hotwife in a Stag/Vixen sense. I thought I already WAS a hot wife. Apparently, not the correct term for what he was talking about. He then explained to me that he had been in and out of the “lifestyle” for some time. His stories about being a bull as a single man and being with couples floored me. Now, let me preface this with the fact that first and foremost, I am not and never have been a prude at any time in my life, so talking about the dirty stuff never bothered me. Second, I am not a naive woman. My husband is extremely handsome. Rugged, strong, muscular. He’s a man’s man, rugged and a cowboy through and through. Think Rip if he had a brother. He had plenty of fun in his day – no doubt – and I was fully aware.

The difference between me and others, is that I cared less about his sexual past than most would. I’m not, nor have I ever really been a jealous person. Neither is he. He has always been aware that I was wired differently. I can separate sex and emotions. I see sex as a fun and pleasurable experience. Why can’t it be shared with whoever you wish? Why do you have to take it so seriously?

So, all of this considered, he was not out of line to approach me with this idea. However, it still floored me. He explained to the best of his ability that what he wanted most was the trust and actual purity that comes from this type of relationship.

My head was spinning, my heart was fluttering, and my stomach was sinking. I had a bad experience in a past relationship with this topic, so my initial reaction was a flat, astounding, HELL NO. An ex wanted me to be in threesomes, but not for me, for him. I had no interest, and even when I said no, he pushed it constantly. It bothered me so much, it turned me off sex completely. For someone that loves sex…this says a lot. I didn’t want that situation again.

Well, that was the emotional side of my brain. Later that night, the intellectual side reared up. I began what would end up as extensive research into this lifestyle. For anyone else looking to dive down into the google rabbit holes, I will construct a user-friendly guide that will help you find what you are looking for. After many sites, I finally found what he was referring to. Once that was done, I read everything I could find. I found a few blogs that helped a little, but everything was piecemealed throughout. I watched some of the correct porn (this after not finding exactly what he explained) and then three days later, I approached my husband and asked him what the catch is. Did he just want to sleep with more women? Was I not enough? What was his real motive? There was no catch. None. I decided to trust my husband and acquiesce to his request.

Once I said GO – there was no turning back….and this is where our adventure began. Where will your adventures take you? 

  • Heather Watts
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